If you are starting to use essential oils now, some care and information should be taken into consideration. There is one aspect of aromatherapy with which I do not identify: this aspect seeks to spread fear, as if essential oils were something dangerous or its use reserved for “certain people”, so to speak.
I do not agree with this. Essential oils can be for everyone, as long as they are used in a careful and responsible manner. This is achieved through information.
I was lucky enough to graduate from a school that does not go down this path of fear, but the path of love, knowledge and science. That was liberating for me. So much so that for some time now I have lost the fear of sharing recipes for both internal and external use with essential oils so that more people can access these powerful little smelling and healing drops.
I intend through this text to give guidance to those who are starting to use essential oils now. Whether for medicinal or cosmetic purposes – which ends up giving the same, because cosmetics made with essential oils take care of your health too.
In a simplified definition, aromatherapy is therapy through essential oils. So when you make use of essential oils in a systematic and conscious way, you are practicing aromatherapy. It is a very wide field.
Essential oils can be used to treat and prevent diseases, for beautification and also for energy balance. They are the soul of the plant, the most concentrated form of plant energy. We have several receptors both inside and outside the body for them. It is a beautiful way of relating to the plant kingdom and its proper use brings a lot of harmony to our life.
The most important sense for aromatherapy is smell. When it inspires the aroma of an essential oil, it penetrates through our nose and reaches our limbic system and in this place it acts in a subconscious way, that is, before we become aware.
The limbic system is one of the oldest parts of the brain and is closely linked to emotions such as pain, pleasure, anger, body reaction, stimuli, fear, sexual attraction or repulsion and learning. Who has never felt a smell that reminded us of childhood? Or the high school class? Or an ex-boyfriend? This limbic system is linked to our memory and emotions.
Before you keep asking yourself: “but I just want to use an essential oil to treat my acne, (oily skin, hair loss, stain, fill in here with what you want to solve), so that this complex talk of smell and limbic system, goddess?

It is because regardless of use, who chooses whether or not you should use an essential oil is your sense of smell. Especially if you do not possess much theoretical knowledge about the subject, let yourself be guided by the nose.
It possesses a non-rational wisdom that our mind does not have. He knows things, he knows what is best for you. If your sense of smell rejects a certain aroma, it’s because it won’t do you any good, at least not at that moment.
So, even if it’s to treat a miserable insect bite, the aroma needs to be pleasant. This way it will work infinitely better, because it has a greater affinity with you. This transforms the use of natural cosmetics into something ritualistic and pleasant.
One of the things that I think is most fantastic in aromatherapy is its ability to heal and give pleasure at the same time: something very different from other therapies that treat the individual causing more pain and suffering.
Tea tree essential oil as a tip repairer, two drops of geranium in the cervix, lemon oil in the face cream… all this is on the internet. Tea tree at the ends of the hair? At the very least it will dry out!
Lemon oil on your face? If you expose yourself to the sun, you can get a spot on your skin. About pure geranium on the cervix… I prefer not to comment, I just say: migrate, you’re doing it wrong. Want to treat gynecological issues with essential oils? Okay. But look for a qualified professional for this.
I’m not saying this to scare you. I’m not even an attorney or a patrol officer for someone else’s blog. I think the diffusion of aromatherapy in the most diverse media is important. But this needs to be done responsibly. Whenever I indicate an essential oil here on the blog, if there is a contraindication, I indicate it in the text.
I know several bloggers who do that too. It’s the right thing to do. When in doubt, ask if the author of the text has a course in aromatherapy or if she at least studies the subject. Beware of the texts “cordless phone” (one copy of the other, which copies the other, which is changing and soon everything is incomplete and confusing).
Pregnant women have restrictions on the use of some essential oils, especially in the first three months of pregnancy. And children should have their dose adjusted. When in doubt look for an aromatherapy professional or ask questions to who posted the recipe.